Saturday, 18 February 2012


Lord Krishna – ENFP  2w3– The charming advocate, Helper( enneagram 2)
He is undoubtedly extraverted, intuitive and has feeling rather than thinking. He is inspiring (enfp) and manipulative not giver(enfj).

Goddess Rukmani – INTJ 5w6
According to mbti intj is a natural partner of enfp. Relation of Rukmani-Krishna (intj-enfp) is of supervision.

Radharani – INFJ 6w5
She is quiet mature and wiser than Lord Krishna. INFJ has a mirror relation with ENFP. Both see different view to same things and hence complete one another. We should not forget that Radha was called as Krishna’s power. According to socionic infj and enfp has some magnetic attraction but not fit for marriage. Mirror relation member feel some spiritual connectivity and hence Radha-Krishna relationship is called as pure love or spiritual love affair.

Meerabai- not sure but maybe INTJ(scientist)
She produces many devotional song. She is devoted to lord Krishna as a lover, wife.

Demon Kansh – ENTP - Arrogant


  1. Partly agree..but Meerabai is surely not an INTJ,she is like totally opposite-an ISFP,INTJ are never ever devotees.

  2. It is interesting but I came to the same conclusion. I believe Krishna is an ENFP-t personality.I filled out the test with all that I feel Krishna is and that's what popped up. So an INTJ or INFJ is indeed an excellent companion. I love this article.
